The IGNITE Peak Performance Blog

If you’re here, you’re probably looking to make meaningful and lasting change in your life. As a professional coach who specializes in working with women and mothers, I can help you.

The best way for us to get to know each other is for you to contact me! You can also sign up for my monthly newsletter below. In the meantime, keep an eye on this page for monthly blogs containing research-based tips, reading recommendations, and other resources that can help you IGNITE to reach your goals!

Athlete & Performer Coaching

“Athlete & Performer Plans are tailored to individual athletes and performers…. I use top-quality assessment tools to help uncover and understand the biggest mental obstacles you face. From there, we work together to build you a customized toolbox of techniques you can use to transform your mistakes from sources of pain to sources of growth.”

Parent Workshops

“How can your 16-year-old be ready to commit to a D1 college before they even get their driver’s license? What will your child do if their team hazes them? What will they do if their coach is abusive? IGNITE’s Parent Workshops illuminate the rarely discussed problems student-athletes encounter in college and university athletics.”

Welcome to IGNITE!

“Welcome to my first blog! I want to start by explaining the two sides of the IGNITE business: Sport & Performance and Personal & Career…. In future blogs, I will describe more about who typically benefits from each service at IGNITE. Come back weekly for more! In the meantime, follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, and sign up for my monthly newsletter!”