You’re up by two points with one minute left. You just need to keep the other team out of field-goal range. Suddenly, your defense forgets how to tackle. The line gets pushed around, and the defensive backs are leaving the receivers wide open. This has happened for the past three games, and everyone is sick of it. You need IGNITE’s Team & Group Training.

I work with teams struggling with all kinds of blocks while striving to reach their peak performance. Maybe you’re feeling like you lack concentration. Maybe negative thoughts creep in and anxiety spikes. Maybe there is a lack of trust among the team. I carry participants through a series of exercises to identify the primary areas of concern for each team. Each teammate completes their own individual workbook that targets their own individual goals. This allows each person to maintain their privacy and work through issues they may not be willing to share with the larger team but that may be affecting their individual contribution to the whole. Evidence-based techniques are presented, and individuals select what resonates to add to their own individual toolbox.

Photo of many hands in circle ready to cheer on their team successAlongside this, we work together to help your team develop techniques you will use as a whole. You complete anonymous questionnaires so I can tailor my approach to your teams’ concerns. From there, we develop techniques that address your concerns. Some coaches choose to be part of the team exercises, and some don’t. In the past, teams have chosen to use pre-competition focus techniques and/or post-competition celebrations. Either way, the goal is to gain the mental skills needed to boost both performance and enjoyment!

I also work with small groups who may not be on the same team or even playing the same sport. Whether you or your kids have a group of friends with a similar goal (e.g., enhancing mental skills, playing in college, etc), I can create a workshop to meet your needs. Of course, this means we don’t work on team techniques. But having athletes from a variety of sports often enhances the learning process and the fun factor! 

If this sounds like something your team/group may benefit from, contact me today