Every week for four years. That’s how many times you’ve told this team to overcommit on defense. You’ve tried everything you can think of to get them to do it. There they are, out on that court, in front of all your colleagues from across the country. Doing exactly what you’ve told them not to. You need IGNITE’s coach and professional training.

If that isn’t bad enough, when you walk into the locker room you hear the team saying you don’t believe in them. After all you’ve done for this team, somehow they don’t think you believe in them. When you try to talk to your captains about it, they just look at the ground mumbling about how they know you believe in them but sometimes it just doesn’t feel that way. Suddenly, you realize there is no way they can do what you’re asking of them.

Basketball team with coach kneeling in front going over playsBuilding relationships with your athletes is crucial to facilitate peak performance. IGNITE’s Coach & Professional Training services are designed to help professionals to improve communication and connection with their athletes and performers. Mental skills trainings are offered to help professionals integrate a variety of techniques to use with their athletes and performers. On the way to improving performance, you can boost cohesion, improve attitudes, and become a stronger leader.

Contact me today to see how I can help!