It’s All About Choice

In my late 20s, I surprised myself when I discovered that I most definitely wanted to be a mom. Now, I realize that, throughout the entire experience, it’s all about choice. When my husband and I decided to have children, I was clear that my career would remain...

Reflections on Back to School

Today, we’re going over some reflections on back to school. I planned and planned and planned. There were so many lists. I thought through everything. Except for the exact moment we had to leave her. The very second we had to walk away. I hadn’t thought about...

Women & Mothers Coaching

So often, you feel that you just can’t juggle it all. The demands on your time often feel crushing — everyone needs something from you NOW. The mental load is exhausting. And yet you have some goals, some dreams, and some needs that are YOURS (that is, if you can...

Health & Wellness Coaching

We’ve all got that dusty pile of dumbbells in the corner that we never use. We’ve all committed to and sometimes even managed to ‘start tomorrow’. Maybe you manage to work out for a few days in a row before life crashes in, and the workouts move to the bottom of the...

Personal & Life Coaching

For months, you’ve set yourself a few simple goals. Stop eating that extra bowl of popcorn at night, don’t stay up so late, stop mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. There are so many things, big and small, that you want to do. And you have the intention!...