by Lisa Stephen | Jul 20, 2022
Helping moms of gifted kids is one of my areas of speciality. I’m passionate about this topic because in addition to working with moms of gifted kids, I went through it myself (twice), and there were days I felt I was failing no matter what I did. Being a mom is...
by Lisa Stephen | Aug 4, 2021
So often, you feel that you just can’t juggle it all. The demands on your time often feel crushing — everyone needs something from you NOW. The mental load is exhausting. And yet you have some goals, some dreams, and some needs that are YOURS (that is, if you can...
by Lisa Stephen | Jul 27, 2021
We’ve all got that dusty pile of dumbbells in the corner that we never use. We’ve all committed to and sometimes even managed to ‘start tomorrow’. Maybe you manage to work out for a few days in a row before life crashes in, and the workouts move to the bottom of the...
by Lisa Stephen | Jul 21, 2021
You’re stuck in the dull and mundane routine of your work. You have felt ready for a change for months. You’ve read a bit about different things, maybe searched online, and taken a few courses in topics you find interesting. You were hoping for that ‘aha’ moment, but...
by Lisa Stephen | Jul 14, 2021
For months, you’ve set yourself a few simple goals. Stop eating that extra bowl of popcorn at night, don’t stay up so late, stop mindlessly scrolling through Facebook. There are so many things, big and small, that you want to do. And you have the intention!...
by Lisa Stephen | Jun 12, 2021
Every week for four years. That’s how many times you’ve told this team to overcommit on defense. You’ve tried everything you can think of to get them to do it. There they are, out on that court, in front of all your colleagues from across the country. Doing exactly...