Why You Might Want to Spend More Time in Nature

Today, we’re talking about why you might want to spend more time in nature. I love spending time in nature for all kinds of reasons. I enjoy the sights and the sounds. Being out in nature just makes me feel good! And here is the huge bonus: scientific studies...

Do You Hate Exercise?

Exercise is often defined as “bodily exertion for the sake of developing and maintaining physical fitness.” We all know we need to exercise. Some of us love to exercise, some of us hate it, and some of us are right in the middle. Me? As exercise is defined here, I...

Strength-Based Intervention Works!

I talk a LOT about using science to IGNITE change. That’s because I use coaching techniques that have been tested empirically and shown to be effective by scientific studies. I also rely on my years of experience, and I change things up depending on what individual...