Behind My Coaching: Influences and Inspirations 

Dr. Lisa StephenFor over 30 years, I have dedicated my career to helping others improve their lives. My clients describe me as deeply empathic and an active listener. I ask compelling questions that enable women to discover their strengths and meet goals that make their visions a reality. Drawing from effective techniques grounded in scientific research, my approach is practical, efficient, genuine, and collaborative.

I dedicate my strong work ethic and driven character to both my hard-working grandfathers, Grandpa Stephen and Grandpa Pinto, who could not have been more different from each other. Grandpa Stephen immigrated to the US from Scotland with the ideal that formal education could make any dream come true. Quiet, gentle, and refined, he was proud to move up the professional ladder from a pipe fitter to high bailiff in the US court system. While he never attended college, he saw the value of higher education and helped me secure resources to pursue graduate school. Grandpa Pinto was a fiery Italian American and grit personified. Growing up, he always validated my feelings. Grandpa Pinto encouraged me to express how I felt, yet often said, “Shake those bad thoughts right out of your head,” placing an emphasis on being very intentional about what I chose to focus on. He was an astute observer and amazing teacher. It was not until graduate school that I realized Grandpa Pinto was my first teacher in positive psychology, meditation, imagery, and gratitude.

As a blend of both grandfathers, I value higher education and take a savvy approach to help women and mothers create change in their lives. When I am not coaching or enhancing my professional skills, I can be found spending time with family and friends, reading, hiking, snowshoeing, traveling, cooking, or gardening.

To learn more about the path I took to become a professional coach for women and mothers, take a look at my CV or check out my advanced training summary.

Ready to IGNITE to create change in your life? Let’s explore together how you can harness your inner strengths and achieve the goals that matter most to you. Schedule a free consultation today and take the first steps towards personal and professional fulfillment.